Information for publishers

A license agreement for each resource is entered into by and between the publisher/vendor and each of the subscribing consortium members.
The Library Director of the National Library of Luxembourg signs all the license agreements on behalf of the members of the consortium. The members are obliged to inform their own users of the usage terms of the agreements.

Remote vs. local network
Authentication is managed with EZProxy (OCLC) proxy server. The software is locally maintained and administered by the National Library.
Consortium Luxembourg tries to negotiate a remote access licence whenever feasible and acceptable. It is a strategic element for the emergence of the knowledge society and has been entirely acceptable for all content suppliers because of the small size of the Luxembourg institutions and, indeed, the country as a whole. Commercial use is prohibited as stated in the general “Usage Conditions.

Our Licensing principles

We kindly ask vendors to consider following licence terms when providing an offer.

Remote access
Consortium Luxembourg tries to negotiate a remote access licence whenever feasible and acceptable. There is no difference between what Authorised User can do on campus and off campus.

Authorized users
Authorized users should include all individuals who are affiliated with the licensee as a library patron, student, researcher or employee:

Authorized user means an individual who is authorised by the Institution to have access to all its information services (whether on-site or off-site) via Secure Authentication and who is:

  • A library patron of the National Library of Luxembourg;
  • a current student of the Institution (including undergraduates and postgraduates) or an alumni of the Institution; a member of staff of the Institution (whether permanent or temporary including retired members of staff and any teacher who teaches Authorised Users registered in Luxembourg);
  • temporary guest researchers;
  • a contractor of the Institution

Perpetual access
In case of cancellation, Consortium Luxembourg would like perpetual access to the subscribed content, either as a download or for a small hosting fee on the content provider’s site.

Interlibrary Loan
Consortium Luxembourg member institutions should be allowed to honour electronic and paper-based interlibrary loan requests from other institutions.

Statistics: COUNTER and SUSHI
Publishers are required to provide COUNTER, preferably COUNTER 5, compliant statistics as well as implementing SUSHI.
The format of the data has to correspond exactly to COUNTER standards to enable automatic processing.

Statistics: Server logs
Publishers are encouraged to provide their server logs for parsing. Care must be taken that data is GDPR compliant. Data should follow “privacy by design” principles.

Link resolver
The Publisher shall cooperate with providers of link resolvers and ERM systems, and share machine-readable title lists with every content update.
Title lists should include related data of (a) the first and final year, volume, and issue and (b) the algorithm or syntax for constructing an article-level link from an article’s metadata within the Licensed Material.

Data Mining and Indexing
The license should allow use of the Licensed Material to perform and engage in text mining/ data mining activities.

General requirements
Consortium Luxembourg would like to avoid historical (print) subscription-based pricing models for e-journal / e-book packages.

Preferred pricing parameters are:

  • organisation type (University, national/public library, governemental organisation, public research center),
  • FTE,
  • estimated usage / users,
  • budget,
  • bibliometric approaches.