
Access to IET ebook collection NOW

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that you have now access to the IET ebook collection with over 600 titles across several topics including:

  • Circuits, Devices and Systems
  • Computing
  • Control, Robotics & Sensors
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Energy Engineering
  • Healthcare Technologies
  • History of Technology
  • Management of Technology
  • Radar, Sonar & Navigation
  • Sector Publications
  • Security
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport.

Acces via IET Digital Library

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, the University of Luxembourg, LIH or LIST.

Access to Elsevier ebook collection NOW

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that you have now access until 31 december 2021 to the full collection of Elsevier Ebooks. The Ebooks collection covers most subject areas including Physical Sciences & Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences and Social Sciences & Humanities.

Access via Elsevier Science direct

Access via a-z.lu

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, the University of Luxembourg, LIH or LIST.

Envie de découvrir de nouveaux talents chez vous?

Vous avez envie de vous lançer dans le sport ou dans la musique ?

Vous cherchez une nouvelle activité pour faire passer le temps ?

Venez découvrir l’accès test à notre nouvelle plateforme d’autoformation « toutapprendre.com » !

Sur « toutapprendre.com » vous pouvez suivre des cours en vidéo et commencer une nouvelle activité tout en restant chez vous.

Nous vous proposons un accès test à 8 modules qui mènent du domaine de l’art et loisirs créatif jusqu’à la programmation et la vie professionnelle :

  • Arts & Loisirs créatifs
  • Bien-être & Santé
  • Bureautique
  • Multimédia
  • Musique
  • Programmation
  • Sport & Fitness
  • Vie Professionelle

Accès via la plateforme « toutapprendre.com ».

L’accès test sera actif jusqu’au 15 décembre.

Vous devez disposer d’une carte de lecteur valable de la Bibliothèque nationale, de l’Université, du LIH ou du LIST pour pouvoir accéder au contenu.

Testzugang zur utb Ebook Collection

Ab sofort bietet das Consortium Luxembourg einen Testzugang zur Ebook-Kollektion von utb. utb ist eine Kooperation von 15 Verlagen mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel: Lehrbücher und Lernmedien für das erfolgreiche Studium zu veröffentlichen. Jährlich erscheinen über 200 neue Titel aus mehr als 30 Fachbereichen: Von Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften über Natur- und Wirtschaftwissenschaften bietet utb die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für den Alltag an Universität und Hochschule.

Zugang über utb.

Zugang a-z.lu.

Der Testzugang besteht bis 30.03.2020 (verlängert!) für Nutzerinnen und Nutzer mit einer gültigen Bibliothekskarte der Nationalbibliothek, der Universität, des LIH und des LIST.

New Trial: access to University of Chicago Press Journals

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce that it is offering now a trial access to University of Chicago Press Journals.

University of Chicago Press is the largest university press in North America with more than 120 years of publishing experience.

The trial gives access to all journals published by the University of Chicago Press. The journals are peer-reviewed and correspond to a large spectrum of disciplines, from the humanities and the social sciences to the life and physical sciences.

The access is available from now on until April 1, 2019.

Access is possible for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST or LIH.

Direct link to the journals of University of Chicago Press

New Trial: access to Royal Society Journal Package

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce that it offers from now on a two months trial access to the journal package S of the Royal Society, the National Academy of Science in the UK. The Royal Society’s mission  – written down the first time in the charters of the 1660s – is to support excellence in science for the benefit of humanity.

The Package S comes with free access to all journal content published since 1665 and includes the following journals:

  • Journal of Royal Society Interface

Cross-disciplinary research bridging the life sciences / physical sciences divide

  • Interface Focus

Themed issues on vital topics covering cross-disciplinary research

  • Philosophical Transactions A

Influential themed journal issues across physical science; physics, mathematics and engineering

  • Proceedings A

Research articles in chemical, computational, mathematical, physical, engineering and earth sciences

  • Philosophical Transactions B

Influential themed journal issues across the life sciences

  • Proceedings B

Dedicated to the fast publication and worldwide dissemination of high-quality biological research

  • Biology Letters

Short innovative research from across the biological sciences

  • Notes and Records

Original, international research in the history of science, technology and medicine

  • Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society

A unique compilation of obituaries celebrating the lives and scientific achievements of Fellows of the Royal Society


The trial is now available for two months.

Access is possible for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST or LIH.

Direct link to the journal package S of the Royal Society

Expanding the academic e-book collection

From now on we have added almost 300 000 ebooks on the Ebook Central platform.

Subjects covered:

• The Arts
• Business
• Education
• Health & Medicine
• History
• Law
• Literature & Language
• Religion & Philosophy
• Science & Technology
• Social Sciences

The collection includes ebooks from renowned publishers like Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis, MIT Press, Harvard University Press, Elsevier Science, Thieme Medical Publishers, Elsevier and many others.

Special Software needed:

  • To download an entire book you need Adobe Digital Editions.
  • To download to iOS and Android devices, you need Bluefire Reader, which is free from the App Store and Google Play. You need to create a free Adobe ID to use Bluefire Reader.

Enter your library credentials under a-z.lu and check out the more than half a million e-books from all kind of topics that we made accessible for you.

Alternatively, you may access all of the available ebooks on Ebook Central here

All ebooks can be accessed from anywhere with a valid library subscription of National Library, University, LIST or LIH.

For more information please access to the video tutorials Ebook Central training videos or visit the ProQuest Ebook Central LibGuide for a comprehensive guide to the platform.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions help@findit.lu

Update: ProQuest platforms access is restored

The following ProQuest platforms are available again :

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I
  • ARTbibliographies Modern
  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences / IBSS
  • British Periodicals ProQuest ( only access inside the buildings of the University of Luxembourg

Consortium Luxembourg