New Function

New interface for Proquest databases

Proquest has launched their new interface.
Via you have access to three bibliographic databases on the Proquest platform

ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM)  (1974 – current)
Modern and contemporary art – journal articles and books

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)  (1951 – current)
Anthropology, economics, political science and sociology – journal articles, books, reviews

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (A&I)  (1639 – current)
Multidisciplinary – dissertations & theses

(authentification required)

New name “” and email subscriptions to blog

We have changed our name to!

The consortium and IT teams of the national library have been busy changing all systems to the new name and today we finished the switch.

The old addresses of the portal “” and “” have been changed to “” (the longer “” works also)

The old address of this blog “” has been changed to ”” (the longer “” works also).

There is an additional way to stay up to date:  Besides the usual RSS feed, you can also subscribe to this blog by email now, please add your email in the right column “Subscribe to blog by email”. We use Google’s feedburner system.

The transition to the new name should be completely transparent for all users and not lead to any disruptions. But… by 2013, the old addresses will stop working, so please make sure your bookmarks and feed subscriptions are changed to avoid any surprises, for details please check the Help page.

For details about the consortium, check the About page.


bX Recommendation Service

After a successful trial of the bX Recommendation Service this year, Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce that this service will remain functional within its electronic documentation portal, Portail bnu. This service provides recommendations based upon the articles and journals that you access, a bit like Amazon’s “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought…” service.

To try out the bX Recommendation Service, please follow the steps provided within the attached guide : bX Quick Guide.

If you have any questions or would like to provide us with feedback, please feel free to post your comments on this blog. We look forward to hearing from you!

New Features in IEEE Xplore

IEEE Xplore has introduced, amongst others, two new features as of April 2011:

  • The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online; and
  • The Complete List of Citations of Journal Article Abstracts (including other publishers).

The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online

The IEEE Standards Dictionary is a comprehensive database of standards terminology which provides access to over 39,000 standards terms and is fully integrated into the IEEE Xplore interface.  This dictionary can be accessed in three ways:

a. From your search results

Perform a search and you will find, on the right-hand side, a box containing relevant terms:

Standards Dictionary in Search Result

When you click on a term, the dictionary will provide all definitions of that term:

Standards Dictionary Contents

b. From the abstract page

Once you have accessed the abstract page, the standard dictionary terms are available directly on that page:

Standards Dictionary in Abstract

c. Browse the dictionary

Also from your search results page, you can browse the dictionary:

Browse Standards Dictionary in Search Results

Browsing can be done alphabetically or by standard/technology:

Browse by Alphabet Browse by Standard/Technology

Citations by Other Publishers

The IEEE Xplore journal article abstract has always displayed a list of other IEEE documents that have cited the article. Since April 2011, a list of all articles that have cited the document from any publisher participating in CrossRef’s Cited-By Linking program will also be included. This information will be added for all IEEE journal articles and goes as far back as 1929.

Cited by other publishers

Cited by other publishers - example


EBSCOhost now available on your iPad/iPhone

Ebscohost has just announced the launch of its iPad/iPhone application.  To install, please follow the steps outlined below.  Both Sections A and B below must be completed.

A. From a web browser on your computer or on your iPhone/iPad:

  1. Connect to the Ebscohost Mobile interface by clicking here : Ebscohost Mobile.
  2. Click the “Select/Deselect All” check box and click on “Continue”.
  3. Click the link “EBSCOhost iPhone/iPod Touch Application”.
  4. Enter your e-mail address.  This must be the e-mail that you have configured in your iPhone/iPad. In order for the Ebscohost authentication to work correctly, you must be able to click the links they provide in an e-mail from the “Mail” application on your iPhone/iPad.  It will not work if you open your e-mail in a web browser!

B. From your iPhone/iPad:

  1. Open the e-mail sent to you by Ebscohost using your iPhone/iPad “Mail” application and click the first link to install the application.
  2. Once the application is installed, click the second link in the e-mail. This will authenticate your installation with Ebscohost and allow you to have the same access as if you had connected to Ebscohost via the portal.

If you have any questions, contact us at help [at] consortium[dot] lu.

Nouvel outil Legitech: calculez les intérêts échus

Legitech annonce la mise en ligne d’une nouvelle fonctionnalité accessible uniquement aux abonnés de bases de données Legitax, Legiwork et Legicorp.

Il s’agit d’une calculatrice qui offre la possibilité de calculer:

1. le montant total d’une somme redue avec les intérêts légaux (tels que publiés au Mémorial) ou contractuels échus et
2. l’indexation d’une pension alimentaire.

Les différentes options proposées permettent d’envisager une multitude de cas de figure (paiements fractionnés et acomptes, variations de taux…) afin d’obtenir un calcul rapide et correct.

La calculatrice vous produit un rapport détaillé du calcul effectué: finis les calculs fastidieux et les risques d’erreurs.

La calculatrice est disponible dans le menu dès que vous êtes connecté sur le site de Legicorp, Legitax ou Legiwork.

LegiCorp, LegiTax et LegiWork – Version Mobile

Les trois bases de données juridiques de Legitech sont désormais disponibles en version mobile sur le portail de Consortium Luxembourg. Ces trois bases, disponible dans l’enceinte de la Bibliothèque nationale, l’Université du Luxembourg et le Centre de Recherche Gabriel Lippmann, offrent un outil puissant pour la recherche dans les domaines de la fiscalité luxembourgeoise, le droit luxembourgeois des sociétés et le droit social luxembourgeois.

Les trois sont disponible dans la rubrique “Base de données” sous la lettre “L” ou en cliquant sur les liens suivants:


Springer MyCopy

A new option for researchers !

MyCopy allows library patrons to order their own personal soft cover edition of those Springer eBooks included in their library’s eBook package. More than 16,000 eBooks are available in this format. Best of all, MyCopy is available to end users for just 24.95€. The price includes shipping and handling. Local VAT and Sales Tax will be added.

To access MyCopy, first connect to Springer e-Books via Consortium Luxembourg’s portal by clicking here.  For full instructions on how to order, click:  How to order MyCopy.

Note: in Windows XP, you may receive a message indicating a certificate problem. It is not a problem to accept the exception and continue with your MyCopy purchase.