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New subscription: Early English Books Online (EEBO)

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. The Tragedie of King Richard the Second as it Hath Beene Publikely Acted by the Right Honourable the Lorde Chamberlaine His Seruants. ProQuest
Early English Books Online. (c) Proquest 2019

Consortium Luxembourg is now offering access to Early English Books Online (EEBO).

From the first book published in English through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare, Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains over 146,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave’s Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing’s Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement.

This definitive online collection of early printed works in English, and works printed in England covers several subject areas, including English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, music, fine arts, education, mathematics, and science.
The current size of the collection amounts comprises more than 17 million pages of rare books. Over 60,000 EEBO texts, transcribed as part of the Text Creation Partnership project, are now included.

The historical documents span a wide array or different kinds, from Bibles, prayer books, royal statutes, proclamations, and military, religious and other public documents, through to almanacs, musical exercises, calendars, broadsides, periodicals and newsbooks, pamphlets and proclamations. Works by major authors such as Shakespeare, Malory, Spenser, Bacon, More, Erasmus, Boyle, Newton and Galileo can be found next to a host of less frequently studied writers.

Access is available for all users with a valid library card of the National Library, the University of Luxembourg, LIH or LIST.

For more information please check the EEBO LibGuide.

Nouveau: Accès à tous les ouvrages Cairn

Consortium Luxembourg a le plaisir de vous annoncer que vous avez désormais accès à l’offre complète d’ouvrages de Cairn. La collection comprend environ 12 000 titres et couvre entre autres les sciences humaines et sociales ainsi que l’art, le droit et l’économie.  La collection Repères est également incluse.

Découvrez l’accès via

Découvrez l’accès via la plateforme Cairn.

Vous devez disposer d’une carte de lecteur valable de la Bibliothèque nationale, de l’Université, du LIH ou du LIST pour pouvoir accéder au contenu.

Access to Oxford Handbooks and Oxford Scholarship NOW

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that you have now access to 10 Oxford Handbook titles and the full collection of Oxford Scholarship ebooks. The ebook collection range across most subject areas including the humanities, social sciences, science, medicine and law.

Available Oxford Handbooks are:

  • Innovation
  • Critical Management Studies
  • Work and Organization
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Organization Theory: Meta-theoretical Perspectives
  • Corporate Law and Governance
  • Fiduciary Law
  • The Corporation
  • Business Groups

Access to Oxford Handbooks via Oxford University Press

Access to Oxford Handbooks via

Access to Oxford Scholarship Online via Oxford University Press

Access to Oxford Scholarship Online via

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, the University of Luxembourg, LIH or LIST.

Access to IET ebook collection NOW

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that you have now access to the IET ebook collection with over 600 titles across several topics including:

  • Circuits, Devices and Systems
  • Computing
  • Control, Robotics & Sensors
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Energy Engineering
  • Healthcare Technologies
  • History of Technology
  • Management of Technology
  • Radar, Sonar & Navigation
  • Sector Publications
  • Security
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport.

Acces via IET Digital Library

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, the University of Luxembourg, LIH or LIST.

Noch mehr Ebooks des Nomos-Verlags!

Ab jetzt haben Sie Zugang zu noch mehr Ebooks des Nomos Verlages! 360 Ebooks der 2020er Kollektion decken alle Bereiche der Rechtswissenschaften ab und umfassen ebenfalls Kommentare, Handbücher, Formularwerke und Einzeldarstellungen zu praktisch relevanten Themen. Dabei stehen sowohl das Landes- und Bundesrecht als auch das Recht der Europäischen Union und das Internationale Recht im Fokus.

Sie können alle Ebooks in recherchieren und direkt darauf zugreifen. Alle Ebooks sind komplett im pdf-Format herunterladbar und stehen Ihnen somit ohne feste Ausleihfrist zur Verfügung.

Zugang über

Zugang über Nomos eLibrary.

Um auf die Ebooks zugreifen zu können benötigen Sie eine gültige Leserkarte der Nationalbibliothek, der Universität, des LIH oder des LIST.

NEW: Access to the full ebook collection of John Benjamins Publishing Company

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that you have now access to around 4000 ebooks from John Benjamins Publishing Company.

The books focus on Linguistics, Translation Studies and Terminology, Psychology, Philosophy, Literary Studies, Art and Art History.

Access via John Benjamins Publishing

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, the University of Luxembourg, LIH or LIST.

New: The Literary Encyclopedia

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re now subscribing to “The Literary Encyclopedia”.

The Literary Encyclopedia publishes biographies of major and minor writers; scholarly descriptions of all interesting texts written by these authors, including those often neglected; and a variety of descriptive and critical essays on literary, cultural and historical matters, which provide a finer understanding of the social contexts in which this writing was produced.

The Literary Encyclopedia seeks to cover all of world literature and endeavor to commission and publish articles on the widest variety of quality writing that has been produced around the world. The encyclopedia is covering English, American, German, Russian, Italian, French and Classical literatures, as well as substantial and increasing coverage of Hispanic, Japanese, Canadian, East European and various postcolonial literatures. So far 8721 completed articles have been published.

The Literary Encyclopedia currently publishes the following kinds of content:

  • About People
    • Biographical profiles
    • Lifelines – day-by-day chronologies of an author’s life
  • About Works
    • Profiles – descriptive-critical analyses
    • Primary bibliography of all major works by all writers listed (List of works)
  • About Literary Context
    • Essays on genres, concepts, movements, theories; comparative and reception essays
    • Short notes on genres, concepts, issues
  • About Political and Cultural Context
    • Essays on important historical events, movements and issues
    • Short notes on important events, movements and issues
  • Secondary Bibliography
    • Annotated or unannotated recommended critical reading for any of the above (recommended readings)

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library or University of Luxembourg.

Access United Nations books and resources on COVID-19

During this global pandemic, be sure to get your facts from reliable sources. UN iLibrary offers the latest reports and policy briefs on COVID-19, bringing together analysis from across the UN system which provides concrete ideas for how to address the consequences and even seize opportunities in the midst of the crisis.

Some examples of available working papers:

The Impact of COVID-19 on Women
This policy brief focuses on the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the issues affecting women such as economic impacts, health, unpaid care work, gender-based violence – exploring how women and girls’ lives are changing in the face of COVID-19, and outlining suggested priority measures to accompany both the immediate response and longer-term recovery efforts.

Responding to the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19
This report is a call to action, for the immediate health response required to suppress transmission of the virus to end the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic; and to tackle the many social and economic dimensions of this crisis. It is, above all, a call to focus on people – women, youth, small and medium enterprises, and on vulnerable groups already at risk.

Browse here the complete collection on COVID-19

Neue Module Beck Online

Wir haben unser Beck Online-Abonnement erweitert! Zusätzlich zum Basis-Modul stehen nun allen Nutzern des Consortiums folgende Inhalte zur Verfügung:

Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht Premium

Das Online-Modul zum gesamten Bankrecht, zu KWG, Börsenrecht, Wertpapierrecht … uvm. – aktuell, rechtssicher und komfortabel. Zusätzlich bietet es Zugriff auf weitere renommierte Nachschlagewerke wie etwa: Langenbucher/Bliesener/Spindler, Bankrechtskommentar, Emde/Dornseifer/Dreibus/Hölscher, InVG sowie Dornseifer/Jesch/Klebeck/Tollmann, AIFM Richtlinie, Fuchs, WpHG, und Weitnauer/Boxberger/Anders, KAGB.–und-Kapitalmarktrecht-PREMIUM

Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht Premium

Das Fachmodul enthält Kommentare (z. B. Baumbach/Hueck, GmbHG), Handbücher (zur Limited), Entscheidungen, Aufsätze, Gesetze und Fach-News zum deutschen und europäischen Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht. Zusätzlich stehen zum Beispiel die Münchener Kommentare zum HGB und zum AktG und die neue Zeitschrift GWR Online zur Verfügung.

Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (ZHR): (inkl. Archiven ab 1996)

Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht – Wertpapiermitteilungen, Teil IV (WM): (wöchentlich aktuell mit Archivbestand ab 2000)

Auch weiterhin stehen alle Inhalte von Beck Online per Fernzugriff bereit. Sie müssen sich nur mit Ihrer Bibliothekskarte der Universität oder Nationalbibliothek einloggen.

New journal collection on Taylor & Francis available

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce that it is now offering access to the Science & Technology Library collection from Taylor & Francis.

More than 530 peer-reviewed journals for research and teaching in the following research fields are accessible:

  •    Biological, Earth, Environmental & Food Science
  •     Chemistry
  •     Engineering, Computing & Technology
  •     Mathematics & Statistics
  •     Physics
  •     Sports Science & Medicine

The collection includes high impact journals like Autophagy, Contemporary Physics and Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences.

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST or LIH.

Access via Taylor & Francis.

Access via