New: American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re now offering access to the full journal collection of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

ACS Publications is a leader in providing access to chemistry-related information and research through peer-reviewed journals and eBooks. Research from Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry and Medicine have been published in ACS Publications in journals and eBooks.

The ACS Journal collection provide searchable full-text access to over 140 years of original research in chemistry, including more than 1,300,000 articles dating back to the inaugural volume of the Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1879. ACS publishes more than 65 peer-reviewed journals with articles across a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines.

ACS’ flagship journals continue to sustain growth by providing relevant, timely and high-quality peer-reviewed research. Access to the full collection includes – amongst others:

Please access the ACS journal collection here.
All journals can also be found in

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST, and LIH.

New: access to Cambridge Textbooks

We are pleased to announce that Consortium Luxembourg now provides access to the full Cambridge Textbooks collection on Cambridge Core. Discover more than 1.000 textbooks across 20 subjects.

Please access to the textbook collection on Cambridge Core here.
All textbooks can also be found in

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST, and LIH.

Sample textbook on

New: Access to Cambridge journals

We are pleased to announce that Consortium Luxembourg now provides access to the full Cambridge journal collection on Cambridge Core. Discover more than 420 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.

Please access to the journal collection on Cambridge Core here.

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST, LIH and MPI.

Login issues Libby App

Some users might experience some issues using the Libby App for downloading new ebooks or audiobooks.

Please find below some advices that may solve the issues.

Bitte scrollen Sie nach unten für Erklärungen in deutscher Sprache.

  1. Did you already reset your password?
    On 30 Nov 2022 our new library system ALMA was launched, that’s why all passwords have been reset. If you haven’t login since then, please click the “reset password” link in the description and follow the instructions.

2. I have already reset my password, but my old loans aren’t visible anymore.
Due to the password reset and new login, sometimes two library cards are connected with Libby.
Please go to the Libby main menu (3 lines) – Your libraries – Manage cards.
Now you will probably see two cards: one with 0 loans, another one with active loans (e.g. 1 out of 8).
To go back to your old loans, we suggest to delete the new card (0 loans) by tapping on “Actions” – “Remove card”. Your previous loans should now be visible again in Libby.

If you’re still experiencing problems, please send an email (preferably with a screenshot) to:

Erklärungen in deutscher Sprache

Einige User haben aktuell Probleme beim Login mit der Libby App. Wir haben für Sie ein paar Tipps aufgelistet, die die Probleme lösen sollten.

  1. Haben Sie bereits Ihre Passwort zurückgesetzt?
    Am 30.11.2022 wurde das neue Bibliothekssystem ALMA eingeführt. In diesem Zuge wurden alle Passwörter zurückgesetzt. Falls Sie sich seit dem 30.11.2022 noch nicht wieder eingeloggt haben, klicken Sie bitte den “Passwort aktualisieren” Link im Beschreibungstext und folgen Sie den Anweisungen.

2. Ich haben mein Passwort bereits aktualisiert, aber ich kann meine alten Ausleihen nicht mehr in Libby sehen.
Aufgrund der Password Aktualisierung und dem neuen Login kann es dazu kommen, dass manchmal 2 Bibliothekskarten mit Libby verknüpft sind.
Bitte gehen Sie in diesem Fall zum Libby Hauptmenü (3 Striche) – Ihre Bibliotheken – Ausweise verwalten.
Dort sind nun vermutlich 2 Karten zu sehen, eine ohne Ausleihen (0 von 8) und dann eine ausgegraute mit Ausleihen (zum Beispiel 1 von 8).
Wir empfehlen nun die Karte ohne Ausleihen zu löschen, in dem Sie auf „Aktionen“ klicken und dann „Ausweis entfernen“.
Sie sollten nun Ihre alten Ausleihen wieder in Libby sehen können.

Sollten Sie weiterhin Probleme haben, schicken Sie uns gerne eine Mail (mit Screenshots) an

Neu: Deutschsprachige Tages- und Wochenpresse über GENIOS eBib

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass das Angebot der Nationalbibliothek für den Zugriff auf digitale Tageszeitungen ab sofort um zusätzliche deutschsprachige Titel erweitert ist.

Die Datenbank GENIOS eBib Presse bietet ein in seiner Zusammensetzung einzigartiges Portfolio aus über 420 Titeln der hauptsächlich deutschsprachigen Tages- und Wochenpresse. Neben den tagesaktuellen Inhalten sind auch umfangreiche Archivbestände der Titel enthalten. Diese reichen vielfach bis Anfang der 1990er Jahre zurück, bei einigen sogar bis in die 1940er Jahre. Das Angebot wird durch eine Auswahl internationaler Titel sowie Meldungen nationaler und internationaler Nachrichtenagenturen ergänzt.

Zusätzlich zu lokalen Titeln der Region wie dem Luxemburger Tageblatt, dem Trierischen Volksfreund oder der Saarbrücker Zeitung, bietet die GENIOS eBib Zugriff auf die Print- und Online-Ausgaben von Titeln wie Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, Le Monde Diplomatique (DE), Focus, Die Welt und vielen mehr.

Für viele Titel ist ebenfalls die ePaper-Ausgabe als PDF zum Download (teils nur seitenweise!) verfügbar.

Um die Inhalte zu nutzen, klicken Sie hier. Alternativ suchen Sie in nach “GENIOS eBib” oder dem gewünschten Presse-Titel. Sobald Sie sich mit Ihrer Bibliothekskarte eingeloggt haben, können Sie entweder direkt auf eines der Logos klicken oder wählen Sie im Menü links den Punkt “Presse”.

In den meisten Fällen gelangen Sie direkt auf das Inhaltsverzeichnis der aktuellen Ausgabe, von dem aus Sie die einzelnen Artikel wählen oder Ausgaben aus dem Archiv auswählen können.

Alternativ können Sie auf der Startseite jederzeit nach Artikeln über alle Quellen hinweg suchen.

Zusätzliche Tipps finden Sie im Einsteiger-Tutorial und im Menü “Hilfe” ganz oben auf der Seite.

GENIOS eBib ist von überall und jederzeit verfügbar für alle Inhaber einer Leserkarte der Nationalbibliothek.

Entdecken Sie ebenfalls unser Angebot für internationale und französischsprachige Presse:

PressReader: internationale Presse und Magazine
Europresse: Französischsprachige Presse und Magazine
F.A.Z. Biblionet – das Portal der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung
ProQuest One Business – Internationale Wirtschaftspresse (u.a. Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist)
Luxemburger Wort, Tageblatt,, Le Quotidien – erreichbar nur im Lesesaal der BnL

Découvrez la revue Contexte

Consortium Luxembourg a le plaisir de vous annoncer que vous avez désormais accès à la revue Contexte, à l’essai jusqu’au 30 novembre 2022.

Revue en ligne de politiques françaises et européennes, Contexte publie des articles d’actualité et de fond sur six thématiques (pouvoirs, énergie, numérique, transports, agro, environnement).

Découvrez Contexte ici.

Vous devez disposer d’une carte de lecteur valable de la Bibliothèque nationale pour pouvoir accéder au contenu.

Oxford Reference Library titles now available

We are pleased to announce that Consortium Luxembourg now provides access to more than 500 titles from Oxford Reference Library.

 Oxford Reference Library is an online collection of in-depth, specialist content from Oxford’s award-winning Encyclopedias and Companions, as well as a critical selection of partner publishers’ scholarly works. These major reference titles are available to access online exclusively through Oxford Reference.

Each title is fully cross-searchable with over 300,000 free Overview pages, 275 free Timelines, and featured topical entries available on Oxford Reference providing you with a full research pathway.

User benefits

  • Navigate to content quickly and easily with a fresh design and intuitive functionality
  • Quick & advanced search catering for all user levels
  • 300,000 overview pages, 275 free Timelines, and online-only Quotations title
  • Illustrations, including photographs, line diagrams, maps, and tables
  • Thousands of high-quality and carefully researched web links
  • Personalization functionality allowing users to save content, searches, and more
  • Sharing is simple with integrated tools for social bookmarking, email, and citation export

“An authoritative, efficient, one-stop shop for quick facts, definitions, and dates, which satisfies the great expectations raised by Oxford’s reputation in reference publishing … While it is true that these separate facts and definitions can be found by scouring the Web, no reference site, free or fee based, draws them together so well!” –  Choice

Start using Oxford Reference Library today at:

Access is possible for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST or LIH.

New content: Max Planck Encyclopedias of Law

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce that we are now offering access to Max Planck Encyclopedias of Law:

Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL)

The definitive reference work on public international law
General Editor: Anne Peters, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

This major online reference work contains 1,700+ peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of the substance of international law. Written by an incomparable team of over 900 scholars and practitioners led by Professor Anne Peters, this comprehensive resource is essential for anyone researching or teaching international law. It was founded in 2004 by Rüdiger Wolfrum, building on the prior encyclopedia published by Rudolf Bernhardt from 1981 to 2003.

Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro)
The home of international law in practice
General Editor: Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Director of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro) maps and analyzes the systems and processes through which international law is made and adjudicated in practice. Each article is commissioned by General Editor Professor Hélène Ruiz Fabri and a team of experts at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law, providing cutting-edge and rigorously peer-reviewed research on areas of international law that are often under-explored. MPEiPro will take a broad view of international procedure, examining it from three different angles: technical points of procedure within specific institutions or across similar organizations; comparative accounts of families of institutions within specific subject areas or with similar functions; and theoretical, interdisciplinary entries.

The scope of the Encyclopedia mirrors the broad understanding of procedure underlying it, encompassing decision-making by international organs in general, including political and administrative bodies. At launch, the Encyclopedia will cover dispute settlement and adjudication. Coverage of non-adjudicatory modes of dispute settlement such as negotiation, mediation, and conciliation, as well as international political and administrative procedures, will be added over time. The Encyclopedia will eventually contain over 1500 entries.

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL) is a comprehensive online resource containing analytical comparative articles offering a global overview of constitutional law.

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL) provides a high level of analytical coverage of constitutional law topics in a comparative context. MPECCoL articles address a focused range of topics that provide the best coverage of the essence, character, development, and history of constitutional law from a global perspective.

Access is possible for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST or LIH.

Access to Karger Fast Facts

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that you have now access to Karger Fast Facts.

Fast Facts is a collection of ebooks to close knowledge gaps in healthcare enabling a dialogue between healthcare professionals, patients and other stakeholders from the healthcare ecosystem.

The ebooks cover over 100 medical topics from diabetes to rare conditions written by leading experts.

Access to the list of Fast Facts ebooks in

To access the ebooks on the publisher website please click on “you already have online access to this title”:

Access is available for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST or LIH.

Trial access to CINAHL Complete

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce that we are now offering a trial access to CINAHL Complete until 31 December 2022.

CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) provided by Ebsco is a research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more.

CINAHL Complete provides broad content coverage including 50 nursing specialties, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health and medicine and more. CINAHL Subject Headings help users effectively search and retrieve information and follows the structureof the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine.

Access to CINAHL complete via publisher platform.
Access is possible for all users with a library card of the National Library, University of Luxembourg, LIST or LIH.